About Me

So far, all the articles in this blog have been written by myself, Ian Bulloch. I’m hoping this will change and others will also become contributors. I am currently living in Vancouver and am actively involved in serving in my local church. I gave my life to Christ in 1972. (the details of my encounter with God are provided in the post, Sneak Preview). Over these past 40+ years, as a Christian, I have endeavoured to live my life in step with the Spirit. This has not been easy, nor have I always been successful. Any success I contribute to the grace of God. The Christian walk is an exciting adventure. Exciting, yes, but fraught with spiritual dangers and obstacles. We do have an enemy and it is our enemy’s top priority to prevent us from succeeding.

In spite of all the obstacles and hindrances in our way, we are more than victors. We have nothing to worry about. We have nothing to fear – why? Because our heavenly father, who is greater than all, Loves Us

Finding True Christianity, began as a burden God gave me in 2012. I believe God speaks to us in various ways, though primarily, through Scripture and prayer. Yet all direction received through prayer must also be in sync with Scripture. I believe the Bible is the inspired word of God. It teaches us what it means be a Christian and how to be a Christian.

Unfortunately, and increasingly, I’ve been seeing a Satanic stealth attack on the very fabric of Christianity, and Christians are being duped on a global scale. What we are seeing today as a vibrant church is not what it appears. We have come to believe the lie that the larger the congregation, the more it must be blessed by God; and mega churches are at the fulcrum of this deception. The new breed of churches have little in common with the early church and often veer from following the teachings of Christ or of the apostles. In fact they look and operate more like corporations.

With once humble beginnings, these new modern churches cater to the desires of their congregations – like McDonald’s making all their food with mouth appeal. Many of today`s churches are driven by a love of money, and people are flocking to them believing them to be genuine. Similarly, many smaller churches, in seeing the phenomenal growth and wealth the mega churches generate, try to emulate what they see working, like glossy professional marketing websites, worship teams that look and sound more like rock bands, strong appeals for more giving as “tithes”, using multiple collecting methods like portable credit card readers, online payments and automatic banking payments built into their websites. And with tenuous accountability, it’s difficult to obtain details as to where the money is spent.

In looking deeper into this rapacious new church system , the early New Testament church model is becoming increasingly obscure. The leaders – elders and pastors – also abandon the teachings of Christ for their own interests and material gain. When once a church was led by a few elders who lived lives of modesty, purity and godliness, many of today’s church pastor’s salaries are comparable to CEOs of large corporations. They not only love money, but flagrantly flaunt it with luxurious lifestyles. They not only love the world, they incorporate worldliness into their worship services. They not only make a mockery of holiness, they condone and encourage impure living in their congregations.

I believe the Spirit has guided me in writing the posts of this blog. Some of them do expose the deception in which many Christians and churches have fallen. It’s my prayer that the Holy Spirit will guide us in truth and will open our eyes to the present spiritual attack on the local church. Let us get back to reading our Bibles and allow the simplicity of the gospel become our guide post..

Please feel free to comment. I will try to answer any questions you ask.

God bless you as you steadfastly walk and climb along the narrow path that leads to righteousness. Remember, if you fall off and feel you’ve failed, it’s often the devil who is making you feel guilty. Call him a liar and get back on the path. Find a bible believing church, read your bible and pray every day.

In Christ,



One comment

  1. teressa luhaorg · March 30, 2015

    Dear Ian, I reread your writings for the 4th time…I get something new from your words every time I return. I hope all is well with you and Please keep writing these truly inspirational articles. You have an incredible gift in the way you are able to illuminate God’s word through your provocative and inspiring writings.


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